HMDG was appointed to re-launch Reveal in the summer of 2008. At that point Reveal had become lost in the saturated market of weekly celebrity magazines; our task was to remedy this and differentiate them from the category standard: price promotions.
To enable this a new editorial offering was initiated by NatMag. Celebrity columnists were hired to write a range of lifestyle related subjects including fashion, beauty and homes. Our campaign then brought this to life through TV executions, press ads, online creative, viral executions and PR which extended the reach of the campaign.
The launch was a success going from 5th to 1st in the market in the first week. Significant sales increases continued in those weeks that the commercials were on air. This led to the sale of an extra 1/2 million copies throughout 2008.
HMDG are delighted that a year later the campaign continues to thrive. Reveal are not only celebrating a 16.9% increase in sales over the last period but Reveal is also celebrating achieving the 2nd highest increase in the top 100 consumer magazines! If you haven't seen it, check out our Reveal campaign at